Weight | 2.616 kg |
Centrifugal force | 330 kN |
Operating width | 3.000 mm |
Engine manufacturer | Kohler |
The parallel coupling set is the ideal machine for compaction of gravel in track construction. The machine is light enough not to sink into the track embankment and has a working width of three meters.
The machine prepares a large area in no time. It is possible to compact the entire track embankment in a few steps. The three coupled vibratory plates DPU110 can also be decoupled and used individually. This way, they offer maximum flexibility and are easier to transport.
Operation of the parallel coupling set is very safe thanks to the infrared remote control. As soon as the user gets too close, the machine turns off automatically thanks to the integrated near-field detection. In addition, this system protects the user from dust, emissions and noise.
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