Adriatica Commerciale Macchine > Liebherr LH 40 M Industry Litronic

Liebherr LH 40 M Industry Litronic


Reach 16 m
Operating weight 36.400 – 38.700 kg
Engine power (ISO 9249) 155 kW / 211 PS
Emission stage Tier 4f
System performance 220 kW

The LH 40 M Industry high performance material handler is considered an absolute top performer in its class. With the patented ERC system (energy recovery system), maximum handling capacity is guaranteed while reducing overall fuel consumption.

This allows for more powerful, more homogeneous and above all faster work cycles. The attachment of the machine is available in a variety of versions and is therefore always optimally adapted to the respective application.

This model is also present in the Port Litronic configuration.

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